Gaudí once said that “architecture is ordering the light, and sculpture is the game of light.” At Bel&Bel we couldn’t agree more with this quote. For us, light has always had a special magic to itself that has the possibility of transforming not only spaces, but also objects.
It is for this reason that light has always been a cornerstone of a lot of our pieces as well as scenography Works. To name a few, the Scooter Chair, the Sofa 600, the UFO Coupé Cooler, Movi, or the Z-Scooter. All of them have had light incorporated to their essence in different ways or functionalities ( short range or long range, blinkers, etc) which have always set the difference in all aspects.
Nonetheless, and without a doubt, our Custom Lamps is where light really takes the main role. We create all types of lamps, and although most of them are different, they all have a common breakthrough spirit that is always present in the modern, impactful, personal and moving design that we try to give to all of our pieces.
The Mannequin Lamp, one of our most iconic Custom Lamps, relates with its peculiar design the femininity of the classic scooter and the femininity of the light, in a different style of homage to Duchamp.
Our exclusive ‘Triumph Lamp’, made by order with the front grill and headlights of a 1940’s vehicle, evoques strength and character. It doesn’t forget about its past but looks to the future. It possesses the beauty and elegance of classic vehicles and hints a modern and unsuspected touch to the space around it.
As for the inspiring ‘Rocket Lamps’, it boasts of modern aesthetics and a steampunk attitude. It has lights in both hatches, with intensity and tone regulators. One of these lamps was made by order of our official distributor in Portugal, and another for our official distributor of Costa Rica. This last one, was decorated by a local artist.
Currently, apart from LED lighting, we are investigating Edison-type lights, which go hand in hand with our style: retro-vintage lights with a modern and efficient technology.